PSSR 2000 Inspections

Pressure System Safety Regulations (2000) - The aim of PSSR regulations is to prevent serious injury from the hazards of stored energy, as a result of the failure of a pressure system or component part. 

What Happens During An Examination:

  • The Competent Person assesses the pressure system and confirms if any changes are required to the SOL (safe operating limit)
  • The integrity of the system is assessed to confirm it will be safe until the next examination 
  • Establish if the WSE is still appropriate and put forward changes 

Legal Obligations:

The Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) has a quasi-legal status. This means you must comply with the ACOP or you will be in breach of the regulations, unless you can prove you have complied with the regulations in some other way. It is a criminal offence not to comply with the regulations.

All of our engineers are competent to carry out examinations following the instructions within the "written scheme of examination" having received enhanced engineer pressure system examination training with Mandate Systems and Pressure Safe, a course approved and validated by the institution of occupational safety and health. 

Do the regulations apply to my pressure system?

For a system to be considered 'in scope' for the Regulations the following must be considered:

  • Used in a working environment
  • To have a rigid pressure vessel
  • Pressure of the system to be > 0.5 bar (7.5 psi)
  • Contains a relavant fluid
  • The pressure volume product of the pressure vessels is more than 250 bar litres (if more than one vessel it would be advisable to add the pressure volume together)
  • Steam systems at any pressure and/or any volume

Calculating Pressure Volume:


Example: 10.0 Bar X 50 Litre = 500 Bar Litres